As we near the mid-month mark for February, things on the COVID-19 front appear to be looking better. As we review the daily data at our safety huddles each morning, the TRMC team is encouraged by the findings. Just this weekend, we had a 72-hour period where we had ZERO positives from the approximately 30 tests we performed. The positivity rate is something we all watch closely because of its effect in 2 weeks which would typically lead to hospitalizations. With the use of our monoclonal antibodies treatment, Bamlanivimab (Bam), our admissions due to COVID-19 related illness continues to decline. In that same 72-hour period, we saw only 3400 new cases reported in the state. It wasn’t long ago that we were seeing 3400 cases and more during every 24-hour period. All this points to a steady, albeit slow decline in our new cases. Also, and equally important, is the reduction in severity or acuity of the cases. Intensive Care Units across the state, and here locally at Troy Regional are seeing more capacity from fewer patients needing that level of care.
While all this data indicates a positive trend, we must still be mindful of the next 10-day period. That time period will effectively get us past the incubation period from the Super Bowl weekend and parties that normally accompany that event. Doing the right things has never been more important during this pandemic. Now is NOT the time to let our guard down. Stay vigilant and Please remember to always:
Wash your hands,
Watch your distance,
Wear your mask, and please be
Willing to take the Covid vaccine.
Rick E. Smith, FACHE
Chief Executive Officer
Troy Regional Medical Center